Thursday, July 29, 2010

FORCING mortgage companies to give mortgages to people who shouldn't have them is REGULATION or DEREGULATION?

Thanks, it's for a paper!FORCING mortgage companies to give mortgages to people who shouldn't have them is REGULATION or DEREGULATION?
Regulation that was started by Carter. He thought it was utopian to get more people into homes at any and all costs.FORCING mortgage companies to give mortgages to people who shouldn't have them is REGULATION or DEREGULATION?
It was regulation, because the Democrats, in creating the Community Reinvestment Act, penalized banks with heavy fines if they didn't lower their lending standards to meet lower income criteria.

My theory? The Democrats saw their voter base gathering too much wealth and becoming less needy, so they decided to slap them back down into the gutter and dangle the mortgage carrot in front of their face. Too bad they can't see what the Democrats are doing to them.
And also tied directly in with ';community organizers';! Battling to get loans that people can't afford because it's ';fair';.

Now how does Barack Obama fit into this picture? Do the words Community Reinvestment Act and ACORN come to mind? How about the fact that Obama worked as a community organizer for ACORN.
It is regulation in the worst way. The regulations should require that mortgages only be issued if the borrower qualifies instead of getting him into a debt he can't pay.
No one forces mortgage companies to give loans to anyone. Most of the subprime loans that are causing problems were not subject to Community Reinvestment Act.
Who forced them to do what?

Oh and you do know what you can do with your ';it's for a paper'; line?
It's deregulation. McCAin supports deregulation. The Dems. didn't give the morgages. The banks did.
I'm still trying to figure out if you even know how to read or write...I think you use a verbal typing software honestly.

nobody forced mortgage companies to do anything.
It is a recipe for disaster: government meddling with social engineering aims in the free market. Catastrophic.
It's plain stupid as illustrated by current events. Thanks a lot, Dems.
the only thing that forced them to do anything was their own greed.
ask Bill Clinton
No one forced anyone to loan money..

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