Have John McCain and George W Bush turned us into a socialist country with all the bailouts?When the government owns 700 billion dollars worth of mortgages are we a socialist country?
Hmm personally I think the lean to socialism started a bit sooner when the taxpayers dollars were used to fund what was and still remains essentially a private-interest war in a country far far away.
It has been going on now longer than World War II did. G.W.B's business partners must have made some good coin by now off the lives of the soldiers that have died fighting over there - may rest their souls find rest and may they forgive those in power that have sent them to die for their own personal gain.
That seems a bit socialist to me - the government running business/war with public money and its very lives...hmm maybe Fascism is the stronger word - the very thing the brave men and women fought AGAINST in WWII.When the government owns 700 billion dollars worth of mortgages are we a socialist country?
First off socialism is a liberal (left) policy ideology, whereas what you are asking since you are using Bush and McCain by name is whether we are to become a Fascist nation. In either case the answer is NO. This is fixing a probelm bot taking over a corporation to be gov't run. Although in the interim there will be some gov't intervention, these companies will be returned to their shareholders when they are healthy enough to do so.
Absolutely. They might as well call us the ';United Socialist States of America';. It makes me ill that they want to use hundreds of billions of dollars to buy bad mortgages. The value of the dollar is depreciating even more than it already was. This was all done by design. They are not stupid. They deliberately sold homes to people who couldn't afford them knowing that they'd default and the government could intervene. We're in big trouble. I wish people understood the severity of what is happening. The police state is here, nothing has been done to secure our borders and our Constitution is being nullified little by little. Our standard of living is steadily (and drastically) declining while those at the top continue to profit - just like a third world country. The North American Union is going to become a reality - and very soon!!! It's the next phase of the New World Order. Crash the dollar, then implement the Amero. This has been in the works for years.
We're going to be an open border superstate with socialist style totalitarian government which will be very close to communism. It's disgusting!
Since 2003, McCain has been calling for reform in the way Fannie and Freddie were cooking their books. You make a very valid point that our country has moved too far to the left. We do need change - from that direction of movement. We need LESS GOVERNMENT. That would certainly preclude anybody with political sense from bringing in a socialist like Obama. I agree with your point.
Its a safety net, and its temporary. Only Chuckie Schumer wants a bailout.
Besides, Obama says he has ';full confidence'; in Paulson and Bernanke, so put Obama in that sentence also.
You don't seem to understand. These people have always believed in ';corporate welfare'; It's starving people they don't want getting their money.
Yes, the problem is they will be too stupid to realise (or admit) that the public now owns those companies, and can run them as they please.
I'm going to wait till all the kids are back in school before answering any more of these questions.Today's questions are so childlike.
Yes we finally see the truth about the republicans big govt.
running our country into the ground, selling are soul to china.
No......they turned us into a broke-azz country with all the bailouts of weasels and billions wasted in Iraq.
No, but be glad that you found out that raw capitalism doesn't work.
Too late! We already are! The United States may have a good 20 or 30 years left - Unfortunately.
NOTHING can help.
I think we'll know more monday. The details of that legistlation could go either way. No one has seen it yet.
No, our CONGRESS has
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